The Great Wall

The Great all is the longest and greatest wall in the world. Qin Dynasty established it, which is a symbol of China. Also it was significant to China because the king of Qin Dynasty untied China when they built Great wall. The Great wall was mainly a defines project during Qin and Ming Dynasty. In ancient time, the Chinese utilized the Great wall to protect the border areas and defeated the Hun from Mongolia. Above the Great Wall, There are many small attics, which were used to transit emergent information to the nearest cities. On another hand, the Great Wall stood on the desolate land like a guard defending the Silk Road Today the Great Wall has no practical use any longer, but people are coming from everywhere to view its grander and express their feeling. Furthermore, most of the ancient walls have eroded away over the centuries, and very a few sections remain. The Chinese government is attempting to protect this construction, yet there are still lots of travelers who are gradually destroying the great wall. I hope many people could try to protect the Great wall. In China, there was an old adage to describe Great wall:" To be a a hero in the world, the people have to travel the Great Wall." I wish everyone could visit the Great wall in further.
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